News Archive
- Jan. - Welcome to our new resident, Jacob Groeneveld. Initially, he will spend 3 months in Lethbridge to help commission a new linac before coming to Edmonton for the rest of his residency.
- Jan. - Welcome to our new bridging resident, Oksana Galias. She has previous medical physics experience in Ukraine, and will gain Canadian experience training in our resident program before taking the CCPM exams.
- Jun. 3 - Gairdner Alberta Partnered Symposium: "Cancer Imaging: Molecules to Patients" with Keynote Speakers: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz and Gino Fallone
- Feb. - The Linac-MR (LMR) begins Clinical Trials with the 1st patient treated on February 8th, 2023. See the News Release here
- Sep. - The graduate program welcomes 5 new students in the MSc program: Alec Swallow, Ali Islam, Jose Antonio Klautau Toffoli, Lauren Smart and Yimiao Zhao.
- Sep. - The graduate program also welcomes Kim Cuong Nguyen, a certificate student.
- Oct. - Congratulations to PhD student, Odunola Grace Babawale and her supervisor, Jay Yun for winning a Canadian Cancer Society Research Training Award. The award will fund her research for 2023 to 2026.
- Congratulations to Radim Barta on completing his PhD. Radim has been accepted into the Residency program at the CCI/CACC and will be based in Red Deer
- Congratulations to Simon Ferguson on completing his PhD.
- Congratulations to Braden Chow on graduating from the Medical Physics PhD program. He has relocated to Toronto to begin his residency.
- Congratulations to Aaron Purchase on completing his PhD. Dr. Aaron Purchase has accepted a Postdocoral Research Fellowship with MGH/HST Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging in the Boston area.
Congratulations to Dr. Neil Johnson for successfully defended his Medical Physics MSc thesis. Neil continues his studies, as a Medical Physics Resident in Edmonton.
- Congratulations to Dr. Clara Fallone and Dr. Cameron Hough for completing the Medical Physics PhD program. Both Dr. Fallone and Dr. Hough continue their studies as a Medical Physics residents. Dr. Fallone is in Halifax and Dr. Hough is in Calgary.
- Congratulations to Mark Wright for successfully defended his MSc thesis. Mark continues his studies, working toward his PhD in Medical Physics.
- Congratulations to Dr. Ray Yang, Dr. Hongwei Sun, and Dr. Bryson Dietz for completing the Medical Physics PhD program
Sep. - Congratulations to Gawon Han and Amanda Swan. Both students successfully defended their MSc thesis this fall. Gawon will continue in the MP gradute program working toward a PhD. Amanda starts her Medical Physics residency at TBCC, Calgary in the new year.
Sep. - Congratulations to Dr. Andre Ghila for successfully defending his PhD thesis.
Dec. - Congratulations to Oleksandr Zelyak for successfully defending his Medical Physics MSc thesis.
Aug. - Congratulations to Dr. Hali Morrison for successfully defending her PhD disertation!
- Dec. - Congratulations to Jean-David Jutra for passing his PhD Defence.
- Dec. - Congratulations to Shima Yaghoobpour Tari for successfully defending her masters thesis. In January 2017, she began her residency in Ontario.
Dec. - Congratulations to Dr. Eugene Yip for successfully defending his PhD disertation!
Nov. - Congratulations to Brie Cawston-Grant for successfully defending her masters thesis! Brie begins the Doctor of Medicine program at uAlberta next year.
- Sep. - Congratulations to Daniel Tamagi on completing his MSc in Medical Physics.
- Jan. - Congratulations to Devon Baille on completing his PhD in Medical Physics.
Aug. - Congratulations to Ms. Anderson on the successful defence of her thesis entitled: "Dosimetry and Biological Studies for Microbeam Radiation Therapy at the Canadian Light Source".
- Jan. - Congratulations to Medical Physics graduate students, Dylan Breitkreutz and Eugene Yip who were successful applicants for the Department of Medicine, 75th Anniversary Graduate Award.
July - First Linac-MR Images of a Human Subject. View example images in the photo gallery at
- June - Congratulations to J.D. Jutras and Hali Morrison. Both Graduate Students have been awarded the 2014 Catherine M. Pearson Cancer Research Graduate Studentship and Cameron C. Daye Research Allowance.
- May - T. Rock Mackie, Ph.D., an alumni of the U of A Medical Physics program will receive the William D. Coolidge Award at the 2014 AAPM meeting in Austin Texas. This is the AAPM's highest award and recognizes Dr. Mackie for an eminent career in medical physics.
- Feb.-Four Medical Physics Graduate students have received the Government of Alberta graduate studentship award. Congratulations to Dylan Breitkreutz, Brennen Dobberthien, Brian Morrell and Hali Morrison.
- Dec.-Congratulations to Amr Heikal, PhD and Moti Raj Praudel, PhD for successfully completing the Medical Physics PhD program. The Division of Medical Physics would like to wish them success in their future endeavors.
- Apr.-Three Medical Physics Graduate Students receive awards:
- Moti Raj Paudel was awarded the Dissertation Fellowship Award. This award recognizes Moti's academic and scholarly excellence as a PhD candidate who is within 1 year of program completion.
- Derek Liu was awarded the Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize, recognizing Derek's research accomplishment as a PhD candidate.
- Dylan Breitkreutz received the prestiguous Julie Payette-NSERC research scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to the top 24 applicants of the NSERC PGSM competition.
- Apr.-The Linac-MR Project Team lead by Dr B.G. Fallone is awarded a $5M grant by Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions (AIHS) to develop a Clinical Linac-MR system for Image-guided Radiation Therapy
- Sep.-Welcome to our new Medical Physics Graduate students, Dylan Breitkreutz, Brennen Dobberthein, Brian Morrell, and Hali Morrison who begin their studies fall of 2012.
Katie Gagnon with Supervisor Dr. Don Robinson
Dec.-Katie Gagnon completes PhD.
- Dec.-Dan Michael Santos completes MSc.
- Dec.-Medical Physics graduate student, Michael Reynolds is the recipient of one of the University of Alberta's 75th Anniversary Graduate Student Awards.
- Aug.-A research team headed by Medical Physics Director, Dr. Gino Fallone receives $6 million in funding to build a prototype Magnetic Resonance Real-time Guided Radiation Therapy machine.