Organization Structure
The Medical Physics Residency Programs are Cross Cancer Institute Department of Medical Physics programs. The Cross Cancer Institute (CCI) is a provincially funded cancer center located in Edmonton and is operated by Alberta Health Services (AHS). The AHS and the CCI are committed to delivering specialized cancer treatment, providing educational opportunities to health care professionals and undertaking cancer research.
The CCI is on the University of Alberta Campus and is approximately two blocks from the University of Alberta Health Sciences complex. The U of A's Department of Oncology is located at the CCI. Most of the full-time professional staff at the CCI hold either primary or secondary appointments in one or more of the Department of Oncology's seven academic divisions -- Experimental Oncology, Medical Oncology, Medical Physics, Cancer Imaging, Palliative Care Medicine, Radiation Oncology, and Surgical Oncology.
The partnership between the University of Alberta, the Alberta Cancer Board (which coordinated cancer services before they were merged into Alberta Health Services) and the Edmonton Region of Alberta Health Services was established in 1993. Six of the seven divisions within the University of Alberta's Department of Oncology are matched with departments within the Cross Cancer Institute. The director of each of these academic divisions is also the director of the corresponding CCI department.
The strong commitment to education and training at the CCI is evident by the number of academic, resident and other programs that exist. In addition to the two Medical Physics Residency Programs, there are medical residency training programs in radiation oncology, medical oncology and palliative medicine. Medical student elective opportunities are offered through the Department of Oncology under the direction of the Medical Sciences program of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. The residency programs for radiology and nuclear medicine are coordinated through the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (U of A Faculty of Medicine). Under the auspices of the U of A Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, MSc and PhD programs in Medical Physics and in Experimental Oncology are located at the CCI. A BSc. program in Radiation Therapy offered by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry uses the facilities at the CCI for the clinical training phase of that program. A variety of students from other disciplines and training programs also intern or roster through the CCI (e.g., diagnostic radiology, dietetics, health records, medical, nursing, paramedical, pastoral care, pharmacy, psychology, rehabilitation medicine, respiratory therapy and social work).
Position of the Medical Physics Program within the Institution
The Medical Physics Residency programs co-exists with the:
- Medical Physics Graduate Student program (MSc and PhD) administered by the Departments of Oncology (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry),
- Radiation Oncology Residency program for physicians (PGY2-5), administered by the Department of Oncology, and
- Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy administered by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
Like other staff members, the MP Resident is expected to contribute and participate in departmental activities such as staff meetings, and must comply with Alberta Health Services and Cross Cancer Institute policies and procedures.