Clinical Radiation Oncology Facilities
For External Beam treatments, the facility includes:
- Eight Varian linear accelerators with multileaf collimators and electronic portal imagers. Six of these are Truebeam® Systems.
- One MagnetTx Aurora™ Linac_MR unit
- One Xstrahl orthovoltage x-ray machine.
- Two Philips Big Bore RT CT-simulators.
- One Elekta Gamma Knife system
For external beam radiation treatment planning, the CCI uses several different systems. The workhorse for external beam treatment is the Varian Eclipse™ treatment planning system. Eclipse plans include conformal, intensity modulated radiation treatment (IMRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Linac-MR treatment planning is also handled by Eclipse. RaySearch RayStation is used to generate 2nd checks of the linac-MR treatments, but will become the primary treatment planning system for linac-MR treatments in the future. The Gamma Knife system has it's own Gamma Plan software for planning treatments.
The brachytherapy program includes:
- One MicroSelectron HDR unit, with planning handled by the Varian Variseed® system.
- Two Nucletron PDR Units, with planning handled by the Nucletron Oncentra® system.
- Plaque Simulator software for ocular brachytherapy.