Technology Management Group

The Technology Management Group (TMG) is responsible for managing the service life cycle of medical and scientific equipment within the Cross Cancer Institute. TMG's principal function is to ensure, as efficiently and effectively as possible, that medical equipment "up-time" is maximized. Its primary customers are Radiation Therapy, Diagnostic Imaging, Nursing, and Experimental Oncology.

The nature of TMG's responsibilities has changed substantially because of evolving technology. In past years, effective maintenance was primarily centered around repairs at the hardware level using appropriate troubleshooting skills, test equipment and tools. Current effective servicing has broadened to include much greater emphasis on initial staging, configuration setups, calibration and performance evaluation. Resolution of interconnectivity issues at installation and thereafter has also been a major component of TMG service activities.

Equipment complexity also carries over into clinical application complexity and this in turn demands that TMG develop stronger teamwork relationships with a multiplicity of players. TMG / Medical Physics must work closer than ever with equipment vendors and manufacturers, clinical user departments and key organizational support departments such as Purchasing, Information Systems, and Building Systems and Maintenance.

TMG supports the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) Electronics Engineering Technology - Biomedical program by having second year students complete their Work Experience Practicum at the Cross Cancer Institute.

TMG is staffed by:

  • Eleven Technical Equipment Officers (TEOs):
    • Five TEOs are responsible for radiotherapy equipment
    • Four TEOs are responsible for diagnostic imaging equipment
    • One TEO is responsible primarily for biomedical equipment
    • One TEO is responsible primarily for laboratory equipment

Technology Management Group (TMG):
c/o Medical Physics Department,
Cross Cancer Institute,
11560 University Avenue,
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1Z2.