Center for Biological Imaging and Adaptive Radiotherapy (CBIAR)
This is the world's first centre to combine advanced biological imaging with targeted radiation treatment to improve cancer treatment and outcomes.
The Centre Houses four advanced systems:

An experimental whole body Linac-MR combines a 6 MV linear accelerator with an MR imaging system. This hybrid system will track the movement of a tumour in real-time using MR images and modify ″on the fly ″ the radiation therapy beam to ″sculpt″ the tumour from healthy tissue.

A 3 Tesla biological MRI / MRS. The 3T MR system provides higher resolution images making it possible to map finer anatomical structures, monitor tumour metabolism, assess blood-flow in the disease site (which is an indicator of tumour growth), and other biological functions.

A 9.4 Tesla animal research Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) system.

A whole-body PET scanner with a cyclotron: PET supplies critical metabolic data about cancer and examines body chemistry and body functions. The cyclotron produces the short-lived radiopharmaceuticals required by the PET scanner.
Why The Centre for Biological Imaging and Adaptive Radiotherapy?
- Cancer will be detected at an earlier stage making it easier to evaluate and treat. Leading edge equipment will facilitate treatment specially tailored to the patient's condition. PET scanning combined with MR guided radiation treatment will treat the tumor in ways not previously achievable and will become state-of-the art in cancer treatment.
- Provides access to a complete suite of state-of-the-art biological imaging tools to better define treatment and predict treatment response.
- There will be less treatment side effects because effectiveness will be analyzed and treatment modified dynamically if required.