The Italian Republic has awarded Dr. Gino Fallone the title: "Cavaliere Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana"

On October 23, 2010, at the Italian Cultural Society in collaboration with the Italian Associations of Edmonton, a celebration was held to honour Professor B. Gino Fallone. Dr. Fallone received from the Consul General of Italy in Vancouver, Consol Francesco de Conno, the title of Knight, Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Cavaliere, Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana), on the official proposal from the President of the Board of Ministers of Italy. The award is signed by both the President and the Prime Minister of Italy. This award serves to highlight the credit for Dr Fallone’s work in the field of cancer research. This honor is rewarded to individuals who have acquired merit in various fields, such as literature, arts, economy , etc or activities that have a humanitarian objective. The Order of Merit is the highest award in Italy.