Michael Reynolds, PhD, MCCPM

Associate Medical Physicist, Dept. of Medical Physics, CCI
PhD Medical Physics: U of Alberta, 2015
BSc Physics and Mathematics: U of Alberta, 2008
Member: Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine
Research Interests
Monte Carlo is a powerful tool in design and verification work, particularly when experiments would not be practical or need to be validated in some other way. I have research interests in Monte Carlo modelling of radiation detectors and linear accelerators in both traditional and Linac-MR environments. Focusing on detector design and response, dose perturbations, magnetic field design, and robust second check capabilities. Further Monte Carlo work in static and in-vivo shielding applications evaluating efficacy and best design practices.
AI based dose calculation and Monte Carlo acceleration is a promising avenue to compliment real time adaptive therapies. This is an active, evolving area of research with great potential. I also have interests in proton, flash, and spatially fractionated therapies and their combined use in the treatment of cancers.