Our Linac-MR Publications
M. Wright, B. Dietz, E. Yip, J. Yun, Z. Gabos, B.G. Fallone, K. Wachowicz,
"Time Domain Principal Component Analysis for Rapid, Real-Time MRI Reconstruction from Undersampled Data",
Medical Physics, #21-523R1, in press. -
K. McGee, B.G. Fallone et al,
"Findings of the AAPM Ad Hoc Committee on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Radiation Therapy: Unmet needs, opportunities and recommendations",
Medical Physics, 48(8), pp.4523-4531 (2021).
Wiley Online Library;
PubMed Link -
R.Barta, V. Volotovskyy, K. Wachowic, B.G. Fallone, N, De Zanche,
"How Thin Can You Go? Performance of Thin and Non-copper RF Coil Conductors for Emerging Applications",
Magn Reson Med, 85(4). pp. 2327-2333 (2021) doi:10.1002/mrm.28540.
Wiley Online Library;
PubMed Link. -
B. Dietz, J. Yun, E.Yip, Z.Gabos, B.G. Fallone, K. Wachowicz,
"Single Patient Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-time MR Reconstruction: Coherent Low-Resolution versus Incoherent Undersampling,"
Phys Med Biol. 2020 Apr 23;65(8):08NT03 (13 pp). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ab7d13. PubMed Link -
N. Tahmasebi, P. Boulanger, J. Yun, B. G. Fallone, M. Noga, K. Punithakumar,
"Real-time Lung Tumor Tracking Using A CUDA Enabled Nonrigid Registration Algorithm for MRI,"
IEEE J Trans Eng Health Med 2020;8:4300308 (9 pp). doi: 10.1109/JTEHM.2020.2989124. PubMed Link -
R. Barta, A. Ghila, V. Volotovsky, K. Wachowicz, S. Rathee, B.G. Fallone, N. de Zanche,
"Impact of a Parallel Magnetic Field on Radiation Dose Beneath Thin Copper and Aluminum Foils,"
Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 6 137002 (7 pp) (2020). doi: 10.1088/2057-1976/ab7cf2 IOPscience Link -
Yang R, Santos DM, Fallone BG, St-Aubin J,
"Feasibility of energy adaptive angular meshing for perpendicular and parallel magnetic fields in a grid based Boltzmann solver,"
Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 6 025006, (11pp), (2020). doi: 10.1088/2057-1976/ab6e15 IOPscience Link. -
Reynolds M, Rathee S, Fallone BG,
"Technical Note: Sensitive volume effects on ion chamber responses in longitudinal magnetic fields,"
Med Phys, 46(7):3306-3310 (2019). doi: 10.1002/mp.13565. Epub 2019 May 21. PubMed Link. -
Dietz B, Yun J, Gabos Z, Fallone BG, Wachowicz K,
"Single Patient Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-time MR Reconstruction: A Proof of Concept Application in Lung Tumor Segmentation for Adaptive Radiotherapy,"
Phys Med Biol. 64(19):195002 (2019). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ab408e. PubMed Link. -
Yang R, Santos DM, Fallone BG, St-Aubin J,
"A novel transport sweep architecture for efficient deterministic patient dose calculations in MRI-guided radiotherapy,"
Phys. Med. Biol., 2019 Sep 19,64(18):185012. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ab35bc. PubMed Link. -
Santos DM, Wachowicz K, Burke B, Fallone BG,
"Proton beam behavior in a parallel configured MRI-proton therapy hybrid: Effects of time-varying gradient magnetic fields,"
Medical Physics, 46(20):822-838, doi: 10.1002/mp.13309. Epub 2018 Dec 18. (February 2019) PubMed Link. -
Rathee S, Fallone BG, Steciw S,
"Technical Note: EPID's response to 6 MV photons in a strong, parallel magnetic field,"
Medical Physics, 46(1):340-344. doi: 10.1002/mp.13285. Epub 2018 Dec 13. (January 2019) PubMed Link. -
Ghila A, Fallone BG, Rathee S,
"Technical Note:Experimental verification of EGSnrc calculated depth doses within a parallel magnetic field in a lung phantom,"
Medical Physics, 45(12):5653-5658. doi: 10.1002/mp.13215. Epub 2018 Oct 23. (December 2018) AAPM Online Library Link. -
Wachowicz K, Murray B, Fallone BG,
"On the direct acquisition of beam's-eye-view images in MRI for integration with extenal beam radiotherapy,"
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(12):125002. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aac5b9. (June 2018) PubMed Link. -
Yang R, Zelyak O, Fallone BG, St-Aubin J,
"A novel upwind stabilized discontinuous finite element angular framework for deterministic dose calculations in magnetic fields,"
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(3):035018. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aaa2b1. (January 2018) PubMed Link. -
Yip E, Yun J, Gabos Z, Baker S, Yee D, Wachowicz K, Rathee S, Fallone BG,
"Evaluating performance of a user-trained MR lung tumor autocontouring algorithm in the context of intra- and interobserver variations,"
Medical Physics, 45(1):307-313. doi: 10.1002/mp.12687. Epub 2017 Dec 15. (January 2018) PubMed Link. -
Zelyak1 O, Fallone BG, St-Aubin J,
"Stability analysis of a deterministic dose calculation for MRI-guided radiotherapy,"
Phys. Med. Biol. 63(1) 015011(16pp). (Dec. 2017) IOPScience Link -
Dietz B, Yip E, Yun J, Fallone BG, Wachowicz K,
"Real-time Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction Using Compressed Sensing and Principal Component Analysis (CS-PCA): Demonstration in Lung Tumor Tracking,"
Medical Physics, 44(8):3978-3989. doi: 10.1002/mp.12354. Epub 2017 Jun 28. (August 2017) PubMed Link -
Reynolds M, Rathee S, Fallone BG,
"Technical Note: Ion chamber Angular Dependence in a Magnetic Field,"
Medical Physics, 44(8):4322-4328. doi: 10.1002/mp.12405. Epub 2017 Jul 10. (August 2017) PubMed Link -
Ghila A, Steciw S, Fallone BG, Rathee S,
"Experimental verification of EGSnrc Monte Carlo calculated depth doses within a realistic parallel magnetic field in a polystyrene phantom,"
Medical Physics, 44(9):4804-4815. doi: 10.1002/mp.12413. Epub 2017 Jul 17. (September 2017) PubMed Link -
Baillie D, Fallone BG, Steciw S,
"Design and Simulation of a Short, Variable-energy 4 to 10 MV S-band Linear Accelerator Waveguide,"
Medical Physics, 44(6):2124-2131. doi: 10.1002/mp.12260. Epub 2017 May 12. (June 2017) a href="">PubMed Link -
Yaghoobpour Tari S, Wachowicz K, Fallone BG,
"A Non-Axial Superconducting Magnet Design for Optimized Patient Access and Minimal SAD for Use in a Linac-MR Hybrid: Proof of Concept,"
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62(8):N147-N160. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa5f20. Epub 2017 Feb 8. (April 2017) PubMed Link -
Yip E, Yun J, Wachowicz K, Gabos Z, Rathee S, Fallone BG,
"Sliding Window Prior Data Assisted Compressed Sensing for MRI tracking of lung tumours,"
Medical Physics, 44(1):84-98. doi: 10.1002/mp.12027 (January 2017) PubMed Link -
Yun J, Yip E, Gabos Z, Wachowicz K, Rathee S and Fallone BG,
"Improved lung tumor autocontouring algorithm for intrafractional tumor tracking using 0.5 T linac-MR,"
Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 2 067004 (5 pp) (December 2016). doi: 10.1088/2057-1976/2/6/067004 IOPScience Link -
Ghila A, Fallone BG, Rathee S,
"Influence of Standard RF Coil Materials on Surface and Buildup Dose from a 6MV Photon Beam in Magnetic Field,"
Medical Physics, 43(11):5808-5816 (November 2016) PubMed Link -
Wachowicz K, De Zanche N, Yip E, Volotovskyy V, Fallone BG,
"CNR considerations for rapid real-time MRI tumor tracking in radiotherapy hybrid devices: Effects of B0 field strength,"
Medical Physics 43(8):4903. doi: 10.1118/1.4959542 (August 2016) PubMed Link -
Keyvanloo A, Burke B, St Aubin J, Baillie D, Wachowicz K, Warkentin B, Steciw S, Fallone BG,
"Minimal skin dose increase in longitudinal rotating biplanar linac-MR systems: examination of radiation energy and flattening filter design,"
Physics in Medicine Á Biology 61(9):3527-39. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/61/9/3527. Epub 2016 Apr 6. (May 2016) PubMed Link -
St Aubin J, Keyvanloo A, Fallone BG,
"Discontinuous finite element space-angle treatment of the first order linear Boltzmann transport equation with magnetic fields: Application to MRI-guided radiotheapy,"
Medical Physics 43(1):195. doi: 10.1118/1.4937933. (Januray 2016) PubMed Link -
Reynolds M, Fallone BG, Rathee S,
"Technical Note: Response measurement for select radiation detectors in magnetic fields,"
Medical Physics 42(6):2837-40 (June 2015). doi: 10.1118/1.4919681. PubMed Link. -
Yun J, Yip E, Gabos Z, Wachowicz K, Rathee S, Fallone BG,
"Neural-network based autocontouring algorithm for intrafractional lung-tumor tracking using Linac-MR,"
Medical Physics 42(5):2296-310. doi: 10.1118/1.4916657 (May 2015) PubMed Link -
Baillie D, St Aubin J, Fallone BG, Steciw S,
"FEM design and simulation of a short, 10 MV, S-band Linac with Monte Carlo dose simulations,"
Medical Physics 42(4):2044-53. doi: 10.1118/1.4915953 (April 2015) PubMed Link -
St Aubin J, Keyvanloo A, Vassiliev O, Fallone BG,
"A deterministic solution of the first order linear Boltzmann transport equation in the presence of external magnetic fields,"
Medical Physics 42(2):780-93. doi: 10.1118/1.4905041 (February 2015) PubMed Link -
Reynolds M, Fallone BG, Rathee S,
"Dose response of selected solid state detectors in applied homogeneous transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields,"
Medical Physics 41(9):092103. doi: 10.1118/1.4893276 (September 2014) PubMed Link -
Yip E, Yun J, Wachowicz K, Heikal AA, Gabos Z, Rathee S, Fallone BG,
"Prior data assisted compressed sensing: A novel MR imaging strategy for real time tracking of lung tumors,"
Medical Physics 41(8):082301. doi: 10.1118/1.4885960 (August 2014) PubMed Link -
"The Rotating Biplanar Linac-Magnetic Resonance Imaging System,"
Seminars in Radiation Oncology 24(3):200-2. doi: 10.1016/j.semradonc.2014.02.011 (July 2014) PubMed Link -
Yun J, Wachowicz K, Mackenzie M, Rathee S, Robinson D, Fallone BG,
"First demonstration of intrafractional tumor-tracked irradiation using 2D phantom MR images on a prototype linac-MR,"
Medical Physics 40(5):051718. doi: 10.1118/1.4802735 (May 2013) PubMed Link -
Baillie D, St Aubin J, Fallone BG, Steciw S,
"Feasibility of producing a short, high energy s-band linear accelerator using a klystron power source,"
Medical Physics 40(4):041713. doi: 10.1118/1.4794928 (April 2013) PubMed Link -
Reynolds M, Fallone BG, Rathee S,
"Dose response of selected ion chambers in applied homogeneous transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields,"
Medical Physics 40(4):042102. doi: 10.1118/1.4794496 (April 2013) PubMed Link -
Burke B, Wachowicz K, Fallone BG, Rathee S,
"Effect of radiation induced current on the quality of MR images in an integrated linac-MR system,"
Medical Physics 39(10):6139-47. doi: 10.1118/1.4752422 (October 2012) PubMed Link -
Burke B, Ghila A, Fallone BG, Rathee S,
"Radiation induced current in the RF coils of integrated linac-MR systems: The effect of buildup and magnetic field,"
Medical Physics 39(8):5004-14. doi: 10.1118/1.4737097 (August 2012) PubMed Link -
Yun J, Mackenzie M, Rathee S, Robinson D, Fallone BG,
"An artificial neural network (ANN)-based lung-tumor motion predictor for intrafractional MR tumor tracking,"
Medical Physics 39(7):4423-33. doi: 10.1118/1.4730294 (July 2012) PubMed Link -
Wachowicz K, Tadic T, Fallone BG,
"Geometric distortion and shimming considerations in a rotating MR-linac design due to the influence of low-level external magnetic fields,"
Medical Physics 39(5):2659-68. doi: 10.1118/1.370259 (May 2012) PubMed Link -
Tadic T, Fallone BG,
"Design and Optimization of Superconducting MRI Magnet Systems with Magnetic Materials,"
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22(2) (April 2012) IEEE Xplore Link -
Yun J, Yip E, Wachowicz K, Rathee S, Mackenzie M, Robinson D, Fallone BG,
"Evaluation of a lung tumor autocontouring algorithm for intrafractional tumor tracking using low-field MRI: A phantom study,"
Medical Physics 39(3):1481-94. doi: 10.1118/1.3685578 (March 2012) PubMed Link -
Santos DM, St Aubin J, Fallone BG, Steciw S,
"Magnetic shielding investigation for a 6 MV in-line linac within the parallel configuration of a linac-MR system,"
Medical Physics 39(2):788-97. doi: 10.1118/1.3676692 (February 2012) PubMed -
Tadic T, Fallone BG,
"Three-Dimensional Nonaxisymmetric Pole Piece Shape Optimization for Biplanar Permanent-Magnet MRI Systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47(1):231-238 (January 2011) IEEE Xplore Link -
Tadic T, Fallone BG,
"Design and Optimization of a Novel Bored Biplanar Permanent-Magnet Assembly for Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46(12):4052-4058 (December 2010) IEEE Xplore Link -
Kirkby C, Murray B, Rathee S, Fallone BG,
"Lung dosimetry in a linac-MRI radiotherapy unit with a longitudinal magnetic field,"
Medical Physics 37(9):4722-4732 (September 2010) PubMed Link -
St Aubin J, Steciw S, Fallone BG,
"Waveguide detuning caused by transverse magnetic fields on a simulated in-line 6 MV linac,"
Medical Physics 37(9):4751-4754 (September 2010) PubMed Link -
St Aubin J, Steciw S, Fallone BG,
"Magnetic decoupling of the linac in a low field biplanar linac-MR system,"
Medical Physics 37(9): 4755-4761 (September 2010) PubMed Link -
St Aubin J, Santos DM, Steciw S, Fallone BG,
"Effect of longitudinal magnetic fields on a simulated in-line 6 MV linac,"
Medical Physics 37(9):4916-4923 (September 2010) PubMed Link -
St Aubin J, Steciw S, Fallone BG,
"Effect of transverse magnetic fields on a simulated in-line 6 MV linac,"
Physics in Medicine and Biology 55(16):4861-9. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/55/16/015. Epub 2010 Aug 3 (August 2010) PubMed Link -
Lamey M, Rathee S, Johnson L, Carlone M,Blosser E, Fallone BG,
"Radio Frequency Noise From the Modulator of a Linac,"
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 52(3):530-536 (August 2010) IEEE Xplore Link -
St Aubin J, Steciw S, Kirkby C, Fallone BG,
"An integrated 6 MV linear accelerator model from electron gun to dose in a water tank,"
Medical Physics 37(5):2279-2288 (May 2010) PubMed Link -
Yun J, St Aubin J, Rathee S, Fallone BG,
"Brushed permanent magnet DC MLC motor operation in an external magnetic field,"
Medical Physics 37(5):2131-2134 (May 2010) PubMed Link -
Wachowicz K, Stanescu T, Thomas SD, Fallone BG,
"Implications of tissue magnetic susceptibility-related distortion on the rotating magnet in an MR-linac design,"
Medical Physics 37(4):1714-21 (Apr 2010) PubMed Link -
St Aubin J, Steciw S, Fallone BG,
"Design of a simulated in-line side-coupled 6 MV linear accelerator waveguide,"
Medical Physics 37(2): 466-476 (February 2010) PubMed Link -
Burke B, Fallone BG, and Rathee S,
"Radiation induced currents in MRI RF coils: application to linac/MRI integration,"
Physics in Medicine and Biology 55(2010): 735-746 PubMed Link -
Lamey M, Yun J, Burke B, Rathee S, and Fallone BG,
"Radio frequency noise from an MLC: a feasibility study of the use of an MLC for linac-MR systems,"
Physics in Medicine and Biology 55(2010): 981-994 PubMed Link -
Lamey M, Burke B, Blosser E, Rathee S, De Zanche N, Fallone BG,
"Radio frequency shielding for a linac-MRI system,"
Physics in Medicine and Biology 55(4):995-1006. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/55/4/006. Epub 2010 Jan 20 (February 2010) PubMed Link -
Baldwin LN, Wachowicz K, Fallone BG,
"A two-step scheme for distortion rectification of magnetic resonance images,"
Medical Physics 36(9): 3917-26 (Sep 2009) PubMed Link -
Fallone BG, Murray B, Rathee S, Stanescu T, Steciw S, Vidakovic S, Blosser E, Tymofichuk D,
"First MR images obtained during megavoltage photon irradiation from a prototype integrated linac-MR system,"
Med. Phys. 36(2009) 2084-2088 (June 2009) PubMed Link -
Burke B, Lamey M, Rathee S, Murray B, Fallone BG,
"Radio frequency noise from clinical linear accelerators,"
Phys. Med. Biol. 54(8):2483-92. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/54/8/015. Epub 2009 Apr 1 (April 2009) PubMed Link -
Kirkby C, Stanescu T, Fallone BG,
"Magnetic field effects on the energy deposition spectra of MV photon radiation,"
Phys. Med. Biol. 54(2):243-57. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/54/2/005. Epub 2008 Dec 1 (January 2009) PubMed Link -
Stanescu T, Jans HS, Pervez N, Stavrev P, Fallone B,
"A study on the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based radiation treatment planning of intracranial lesions,"
Physics in Medicine and Biology 53(13):3579-93. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/53/13/013. Epub 2008 Jun 1 (July 2008) PubMed Link -
Kirkby C, Stanescu T, Rathee S, Carlone M, Murray B, Fallone BG,
"Patient Dosimetry for hybrid MRI-radiotherapy systems",
Medical Physics 35(3): 1019-27 (Mar 2008) PubMed Link -
Baldwin LN, Wachowicz K, Thomas SD, Rivest R, Fallone BG,
"Characterization, prediction, and correction of geometric distortion in 3 T MR images",
Medical Physics 34(2): 388-399 (February 2007) PubMed Link
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A condensed edited version of the article also appears in the Design World website here