September - Electron-return Effect in Dosimetry
Resolved. Reference: "Patient Dosimetry for hybrid
MRI-radiotherapy systems" Medical Physics 35(3):
1019-27 (Mar 2008)
February - Linac Functioning
April - MR functioning
September - Image Contrast at low magnetic field
September - Linac operating, coupled to MR system
September - Magnetic Shielding Functioning &
September - Radio Frequency Protection Tested and
November - MR functioning, coupled to Linac
December - MR imaging during linac irradiation
(World's First)
January - Animal Images
March - MR image distortion correction
June - MR simulation tested
July - Radiation induced conductivity (RIC) analyzed for
RF coils under irradiation
August - Resolution #1 to RIC signals in RF coils
October - RF noise from Multileaf collimator (MLC) studied and
February - Numerically calcuated design / optimization of 6 MV
linac from electron gun to dose in water
March - Study / resolution of susceptibility-related
distortions due to rotations
March - RF noise in MLC studied and controlled
March - Study the effects of longitudinal and transverse
magnetic fields on linac operation
April - Lung dosimetry for longitudinal configuration
May - Development of optimization techniques for designing
biplanar magnets
August - Design and optimize novel bored biplaner magnets
December - MR guided tumour tracking functioning
February - Whole body system with transverse configured linac designed
August - Gantry for whole body system optimized
August - Magnet for Whole Body Linac-MR fabricated
Installed the Whole Body Linac-MR v.1 into an existing vault (20 x 20 x 12 ft high)
without removing and rebuilding the walls or ceiling. The MR magnet features a high
temperature superconducting magnet that does not require liquid helium or a helium exhaust vent.
A Whole Body Linac-MR v.2 with a 60 cm (H) x 110 cm (W) patient gap is being constructed.
July - Acquired the first good MR images of a human subject with the Whole Body Linac-MR v.1.
Clinical Linac-MR System v.1 (0.6T MR, 6MV, 60cm gap).
August - Clinical Trials with Linac-MR (LMR) P3 system
begin. Northern LIGHTs-1, is the 1st of several clinical trials. This trial
will only have imaging.
February - Clinical Trial, Northern LIGHTs-2 begins, with first-in-human treatments